Do you expect everyone to be as ‘perfect’ as you? Does everyone have to meet your said standards of work? Do you allow others autonomy of method and formula as long as ...
Do you have any unhealthy behaviors you would like to stop? Do you keep changing goalposts? Are you one to make promises and never keep your word? Do you shack work or ...
How do you feel when you have or don’t have money? Does money affect your emotions and behaviors? Are you angsty and irritable when you lack or happy and excited when you ...
Have you ever been so heartbroken, insulted, disrespected, or betrayed that you started to experience physical pain? Your stomach starts to ache, your arms, you get ...
Do you feel anxious, tense, or scared of something due to a story you heard/read, something you watched, or someone else’s experience? These are effects of ...