Are You Setting Yourself Up To Trouble By Having High Expectations and Faulty Interpretations In Life?

EVERYONE has expectations in life,either realistic / unrealistic expectations or balanced/biased perception.
However, when you have high expectations or no expectations in life of yourself, others and the world may lead to negative emotions and feelings.
“Epictetus, Enchiridion” People are not disturbed by things, but by the views they take of them.
This simply means your interpretations of events can affect how you feel, and react. You see it’s not the situation that matters.
Many times, you might find yourself doing certain things and then blame the situation and people for it. Can you imagine if you keep on doing things the same way over and over again and expect different results at the end of the day?
There are things that become very very difficult to control in life and they live you feeling like you don’t know exactly why you keep on repeating them and doing things the same way.
Probably, off late a lot has been going on for you coupled with this disruptive patterns seems to have gotten a way of bringing you down.
Interpretation of your world, for instance, what people say to you, how you interact with people and life events seem to have changed completely.
This state of affair leaves you in self-doubt, and things seem to get out of hand. These negative emotions include Anger, frustration, disappointment, hurt, helplessness and resentment etc.
Sometimes, acknowledging the need to change the way you do things to bring a difference but it’s not easy at all to an extent of feeling stuck. Constant rumination and train of thoughts keeps you trapped and you wonder what can you do?
If you are in this situation, we wish to share with you that you are not alone in this situation. Professional help is on the way.
You can learn how to align your expectations with what would work well for you and take charge of your life again.