10 Ways of How to Get Unstuck in Life

Are you feeling bored, confused, overwhelmed, lost, and out of place and that things are out of your control?
Sometimes in life, we get to a point where everything is working against us and there is no growth or movement towards any direction, and were left at the mercy of the circumstances. We get frustrated and disappointed and a tinge of sheer exhaustion.
How do we wake up to beat such tiring, days filled with bad weather, poor motivation and no drive to continue whatsoever?
Here are Useful Tips To Beat The Low Days
1. Analyze the predicament
What, How, when, who, where is the situation happening? Take the situation apart and then flip through the debris of the shattered predicament and scrutinize its composite parts and understand the cause of the predicament.
Are there ways in which the occurrence is repetitive? How often does it occur? Understanding the components of the situation is freeing. Because then you’d have known the reality behind the situation.
2. What’s my contribution?
Wherever as human beings we are stuck, we tend to point the finger to the neighbors, co-workers, the wife, the children, the boss etc. The question is what is it that you did to get where you are?
In case one is trapped in a door less and windowless house, then the question to ask is how I got here in the first place and then you’ll find the way out. Because no matter what there’s always a way out even if it feels like there isn’t.
3. Remove all illusions or biases whatsoever
Wherever we are trapped, we may have wishes that other people come and rescue us or think that there is a Guardian angel that will help us out of the jam. This mentality withdraws power from our hands and into the situation. Whenever in a jam ask, what can I do differently or how else can I work this out. I bet this is the Edison point of view while working on the bulb theory.
4. Beat your enemy: procrastination.
This is quite an enemy that most of us if not all face. When trouble or pain looms over our lives, we tend to push for tomorrow what can be done today.
Get that frog and eat it because of you don’t it will eat you up. How then can we beat procrastination unless by getting the task done? You could increase the motivation to do something, or create for yourself a reward to gain once the task is complete.
5. Minimize on the expectations and results
If my motivation is fueled by the result and it’s not forthcoming then the task is dammed. This is how we would be in a resistant consequence oriented situation. It becomes frustrating and energy draining when we get contrary or flat effect to what was after.
The question is how can we detach from the emotional and desire aspect of the task were after. This is because after you detach from too high an expectation from the situation, then we can do it relentlessly despite the odds against us.
6. Build your motivation
Being in a jam may bring a zapping effect to your motivation. So how can you keep the embers of the motivation fire going despite the outside environment? How can you keep going even if the struggle is overwhelming?
I believe going over several aspects of the situation at hand may prove to be motivational for example ask, do I believe I can overcome, beat and achieve this? Will it work? And is it worth it?
The responses these questions, may help provide the traction needed to keep going on. Find something that will motivate you and keep you going through the dark days.
7. Sometimes it’s not what you can see
Sometimes your eyes can be your greatest enemy towards attaining results. If the situation is not favorable to the eyes, you may be tempted to think it’s not a worthy undertaking.
When you see all about you is totally and completely out of place continue, because sometimes it’s about belief and that belief will bring the result, because it keeps you going. Forget what meets the eyes and instead see with your belief.
How do you perceive what’s in front of you. Is it all bad or despite its state you claim you are going to make it out of the situation? Give yourself a smack and get to work for it isn’t over until you win as les Brown put it.
8. Ask for help
You may be stuck in an area where a close relative, friend, sibling or in unique circumstances a sheer stranger can help. Before you speak it out, they can’t read your mind and help. Get your pride bar low and ask for assistance from others and this may help lessen the heartache and helplessness that may come from frustrations of going through the motions.
9. Keep hungry
Being satisfied is one reason that we get stuck in one point no growth or change, just an endless sameness that stares us in the face with candid eyes.
Being constantly in the move, doing different things helps get us out of jams sometimes. So don’t get satisfied and settle, keep growing and keep moving if this doesn’t work out it’s not the end of the world you get up and make another thing happen.
10. Contact a professional
Some problems may seem to be out of your control. This is okay and its part of being human that’s why we have those of us that can help you handle a situation better. It doesn’t mean you are weak or broken it means you are strong enough to know your problem and are willing to work through it, that’s the commitment to seeing things through that most people lack.
Speak to a counselor, a psychologist or others that will be instrumental in the change you need to make. Where are you stuck in life? call us today for that exclusive service
About The Author,
Gilead Mwazala, Psychologist