Worried About Your Child/Teen Who Is Joining High School?

Maybe you are wondering how your child who has joined high school would cope with transition and Adolescent challenges.
Now that he/ she is in a stage where the major conflict is defining identity, knowing roles, embrace physical characteristics.
Failure to successfully navigate through this conflict of ROLE Vs CONFUSION as proposed by Erik Erickson stages of development may lead to dire consequences.
If this is constantly worrying you and get into your way of actualising you days plans.
We understand the difficulties and confusion that comes with this kind of situation.
We acknowledge that your feelings and concern are validate. Here’s the good news for you and your loved one.
Breakthrough has an awareness package tailored to help them prepare for these life transitioning challenges.
We are to help, let us guide in this process to regain clarity of thematic issues, have an awareness of daily strain and problem solve.
Please note this the formative age for you child.