10 Warning Signs That You Could Be Suffering from Depression Without Knowing It.

Knowing when you are depressed, this can be confusing to explain how you feel most of the time. Say sad for a long period of time in which you are unable to point to a cause and the feelings seem not to go away easily.
As matter of fact, feeling lonely, discouraged, or rather depressed once in a while is normal, but feeling down and hopeless for a long period of time could be a pointer that you’re not keeping well.
EVERYONE has different moods. However, some people do experience moods swings from extreme happiness to extreme sadness. This mood can interfere with your daily activities and quality of life.
Sometimes, feelings of failure or loss through death or divorce may be too much to bear. If you have experienced any of these situations and emotions, you can relate a d understand how bad one can feel.
When you notice this feeling is persistent for a prolonged period of time, this could be sign of trouble. A healthy individual recognizes the feelings as normal responses to an event and, looks for constructive ways to cope with the feelings.
It is when you are unable to cope with the feelings and you’re unable to get back to into the swing of things that depression becomes a problem that could lead to thoughts of suicide.
Depression is a serious medical condition that affects greatly how you feel and what you do. It is can also be termed as persistent feelings of extreme sadness lasting for a period of two weeks or more.
• Clinical depression ( neurotic depression )minor depression
These are feeling of sadness or hopelessness that last for more than a few weeks and interfere with daily activities and interests. Clinical depression occurs over a situation, or it can be about life in general. It can be a serious health problem that affects one ability to concentrate to sleep, to perform at school, work or rather handle everyday decisions and challenges.
• Manic depressive disorder (psychotic depression )major type of depression
This happens, when your moods shift dramatically from one emotional extreme to another for no apparent reason you may be suffering from this type of depression.
During a manic period, you may feel extremely happy or high, you may be overly talkative and often going from one topic of conversation to another.
You may also make a lot of plans and take part in all sorts of activities, this because depressive moods manic may sometimes act impulsively or take unnecessary risk. Often this high episode ends abruptly and a period of depression sets in, between episodes of extreme emotions.
These up and downs feelings can be compared to a roller coaster ride. However, when you or your loved one is suffering from manic depressive disorder one may behave normally.
Although the exact cause of depression are unknown or the actual cause of mental illness is not known.
Below are some of the known predisposing and precipitating factors of depression.
• Genetic – depression tends to run in the families
• Bio-chemicals causes, if there’s overproduction of neurotransmitters e.g low production of dopamine leads to the development of low moods and depression.
• Loss of a job or loved one through divorce or death This is any kind of emotional loss that can trigger feelings of depression.
• Unwanted pregnancy. Frustrations leading to low self-devaluation.
• Abusing drugs or Alcohol produces toxins that cause organic changes in the brain.
• Trauma and accidents, early psychic traumas such as rape, incest post-traumatic stress disorder.
• Severe psychological and sociological stress, these include failure in life, examinations or economic loss. E.g collapse of a business.
• Emotional disturbances/ strained relationships. Failure in relationships, divorce, and unmet emotional needs and loneliness can lead to feelings of depression
• Age-related factors • Illness could be chronic illness.
• Experiencing low self-esteem because of failure.
10 Warning Signs and Symptoms That You/loved One Could Be Suffering From Depression
Have you been experiencing, or noticed any of these signs and symptoms lately?
- Change of appetite or weigh
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Loss of interest in activities
- Loss of energy or tiredness
- Feelings of being worthless and in appropriate guilt
- problems with concentration, thinking and decision making
- repeated thoughts of death
- overwhelming sadness
- disturbed thinking not based on reality
- physical symptoms such as stomachaches and headache
How did you score?
After scoring this, you could be wondering when does depression warrant professional help? If you or someone you know, complains of these symptoms, please take action!
If you have answered YES to four or more of the above symptoms for more than two weeks. Consider getting professional help.
Finding help or rather seeking treatment for depression is the best way of dealing with the intense feelings of depression. There various treatment options available for you:
1.Psychotherapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy )
This is a talk therapy that can help you deal with thoughts and feeling that you might have.
2. Medical Treatment
The psychiatrist doctor will do an assessment and then do a prescription of drug. Remember, don’t let a serious internal conflict eat away your happiness without talking about it. We are here for you! Need further assessment? Call us today!
About the Author
Samuel Mburu, Accredited counsellor/psychologist