Need To Talk To Someone About What Is Going On For You Right Now ?

Sometimes not always, it is difficult to wake up and find hope and courage to face the day amid tough times, especially with the current economy. Therefore, finding a balance between the ever-competing needs and wants might make you feel down and lonely inside you, leading to uncertainty.
If you/a loved one is going through a predicament, or a difficult situation which is emotionally draining and overwhelming. At Breakthrough Centre, we acknowledge what you are feeling is valid and wish to share with you that you are not ALONE!
We are here for you to help you deal with and alleviate that feeling of lonely, confused, unloved, unwanted, doubt, pain, worry, helplessness heartache and not knowing where to start.
If you are experiencing intense feelings, that are troubling you and getting in your way of happiness. We encourage you not to give up/ lose hope. Help is on the way.
We are here to help you and provide you with a safe space to navigate/ explore what is going for you. Please feel free to talk to us today, you can overcome the odds and bounce back to life.